4 Korean beauty products we can’t wait to try

1. Clay Mask/Sheet Mask Hydrids








ULTRU I’m Sorry for My Skin, Black Mud Mask, $5

There are several versions of this mashup hitting the market right now. First there are product’s like the one pictured above, ULTRU’s black mud mask, that are using clay-based ingredients to give you the skin tightening treatment in a sheet mask convenience. There are also clay-based masks that harder after 20-30 minutes so once removed they draw out impurities and clean pores.

2. Truffle Oil Products








Neogen, White Truffle Oil Stick, $24

As someone who has been known to indulge in truffle pasta or pizza, I’m excited about this new hydrating oil made from truffles. The white truffle has Vitamin B, so easy application via their new oil stick should help hydrate and even out dry skin.

3. Filter Creams








Erborian Pink Perfect Creme, $28 

Slated to be one of the next big trends in moisturizing, filter creams are moisturizers that blur your imperfections while adding brightening ingredients like pearl extracts. The result is more youthful, dewy skin – and we can’t wait to show it off!

4. Aqua peeling








SAEM Aqua Peel, $18

Exfoliation has long been a key component of Korean skin care, but now they’re really starting to develop innovative chemical exfoliators. That’s where aqua peeling comes in – a pre-soaked cotton tip that you apply to dry patches and blemishes overnight. The result is radiant and much improved crisis spots due to the dual hydrating and exfoliating nature of the chemicals.